Board of Directors of #3481
Our Board of Directors of 2024-2025
SK Sal Anzalone PGK
Vice President
SK William Guttilla PGK
Charlie Lewis
SK Michael Sloan
Al Steiger
#3481 Associates
Grand Knight
SK James McCabe
Deputy Grand Knight
SK Nicholas Episcopia
PGK Don Morgan
3 yrs.
Al Steiger
3 yrs.
PGK Steve Bermudez
3 yrs.
Steve Pasetti
2 yrs.
Charlie Lewis
2 yrs.
PGK Dennis Brown
2 yrs.
PGK Sal Anzelone
1 yr.
PGK Don Metzler
1 yr.
PGK Bill Guttilla
1 yr.
Lounge Managers
PGK Kevin Grasing