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K of C Newsletter #403
Last Updated: August 10th 2024
Fraternity is a Gift from God
If you know of a member of our Order who is sick or in need call GK SK James McCabe 516-680-8250.

It feels like just yesterday I was serving as Grand Knight, and now I'm grateful to be welcomed back to lead Father Joseph O'Connell Council #3481. As a returning Grand Knight, I'm committed to upholding our cherished traditions while also working towards the growth and development of our council. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, please feel free to reach out.

We need to reestablish a nominating committee to find a replacement for Don Morgan's position for the next two years. Nick Episcopia will be taking charge, so the election can proceed as planned. We've appointed a new Financial Secretary, who has been diligently working on drafting a new budget. The board will convene and the budget will be finalized and presented at the meeting on August 15th. We will vote on the budget in September. If anyone has suggestions for charities to support or any other ideas, they will be discussed during the September meeting.

In addition to the nominating committee, we are also looking to start a retention committee. We've already had volunteers step up to help with this important endeavor. We've noticed an increase in unpaid dues among our membership over the years. I kindly ask all council members to update their contact information and remind fellow members to do the same, as well as ensure their dues are up to date. Our dues fund a significant portion of our budget, which supports our charitable donations.

If you're not receiving emails, please ensure your email is current by contacting our Recording Secretary, Michael Balboa, at 516-698-7204 or michaelbalboa4@gmail.com.

We have some great events coming up, and I look forward to seeing you all there. I'm excited to lead the council through the Colombian year as the Grand Knight.

God Bless you all and God Bless America!

Vivat Jesus
Grand Knight SK James McCabe PDGK

NOTICE: The Next Meeting will be Thursday, August 15th.
Sunday, September 8th. Mass at 11am, brunch 12pm-3pm more information to come. $20 per person and please RSVP to Frank Modica at 631-513-8277 or email at Fam122349@gmail.com.
Saturday, August 17th will be the tentative date. We will send out emails notifications on the finalized date.
Please remember those in need, there is a donation box at the Council to collect food for the St Anthony's food pantry. Any non-perishable food item would be greatly appreciated. Please see GK Chris Hegmann for additional information.
Bingo is looking for volunteers to help out Wednesdays 6:00-10:00 pm for 2 hours. Contact GK Chris Hegmann if interested at 516-316-9328.
300 - June Winners - 2024
The following members were present at the Fr. Joe's 300 Club Meeting for April on 2024-06-21.
  1. The Retired 6 Pack, Donald Metzler, Shannon Doyle, Marie Rullo, Adele DiDominica
  2. Richard Buarotti, Pat Carey, Diane Eifler, Dennis & Mary Ann McGlynn, Carol Bastine
  3. Debbie Caparotta, Christie Brooke Larkin O'Rourke, Frank McShane, Kevin Grasing, Steve Kiesche
  4. Mary Pat Kirby, Brian Kornobis, Dennis Rockefeller, Barbara Defendis, Patricia Riecker
  5. Greg DeBlase, Donald Metzler, Kathy Spataro, James Nolan, Janet Keane

300 - July Winners - 2024: The following members were present at the Fr. Joe's 300 Club Meeting for April on 2024-07-26.
  1. Edward P. Duffy, Brian Howard, Noreen Laiso, Frank & Lee Hegarty, Raymond Driscoll
  2. Dennis & Mary Ann McGlynn, Joseph Book, Martha Benvin, Donald Metzler, Rosemary Enright
  3. Stephanie Kornobis, Lina Fusco, Caleb Yi-Kornobis, Noreen Patton, Peggy Kogan
  4. Jim Bastine, Lucia Elefante, Noreen Patton, Jessica Brown, Margaret Gannon
  5. Marie Rullo, John Rossano, Irene Giannetti, Fred Robinson, Harry Kaminski
The Sick and Vigil Chairman - SK Nick Episcopia, 516-695-2631.

Sick and Hospitalized:
  • Brother Ernie Dipasqua's Daughter, Lindsay
Vigil (Deceased):
  • Kevin Kavanagh
  • William Murphy
  • Eugene Kirley
  • Bro. Dino Piarulli
  • Mary Lawyer Mother of PGK Darub Lawyer
  • Salvatore D'Anna

Respectfully Submitted,

SK Michael Balboa,
Worthy Recorder, 516-698-7204